- Conduct the product combination market research study on both supply and demand sides for Cambodian SMEs (Hotel, ice factories, garment textile and food processing sector industries)
- Conduct the energy audit and propose the improvement solutions for such SMEs
- Develop Low cost and no cost solution approach for the customers on energy conservation
- Guide the infrastructure installation; and
- Develop the SME business case study.
The case of AMANJAYA hotel : How low cost measures reduce energy cost
The AMANJAYA hotel is located in Phnom Penh city. The customers are tourists and businessmen. Currently, this hotel consists of 21 suites with different standings (Junior, Suite and Panoramic), a restaurant, lounges, meeting rooms, and others facilities.
An energy audit executed in September 2008 showed that the energy consumed by the hotel was above 45 000 kWh/month, costing 6 300 US $/month .
The hotel introduced the measures recommended in the audit and after one year, the monthly energy consumption was reduced to 13 200 kWh/month and the energy cost decreased to 3 000 US$/month.
The low cost measures were:
- Installation of electric meters on gensets and EDC supplies to optimize daily energy supply.
- Replacement of all the 513 incandescent lamps (60W) by Efficient Compact Fluorescent lamps
- (11W) (appliances in accordance with the European Energy Label and standard).
- Proper maintenance of Air-conditioning systems (every month) and installation of UV and Infrared
- Filters to reduce solar thermal loads in the rooms.
- Re-design of the gas network at the kitchen.
1/ The energy audit was realized both by the hotel engineer, supported by IED/CCDE Team based in Cambodia within the GREEN HOTEL program, and consultant services provided by Exchange Service that acts as consultant to the AMAMDJAYA Hotel
2/ Raw data for the calculation: energy consumption for an occupancy rate of 65% and a diesel price of 0.75US$. The overall investment was about 6 500 US$ and the payback time was less than 3 months : from now on AMANJAYA saves 3 000 US$ per month, about 50% of its original bill.